Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated
Martial Arts Illustrated

Martial Arts Illustrated

The issue of the UK's No.1 martial arts magazine, Martial Arts Illustrated, features a 6 page cover article on my interest in my birth country's Filipino Martial Arts.

An excerpt with interviewer, Johnny Silmon:

Johnny: Rachel, I know you are a very well-travelled lady having been all over the world. You recently got back from the Philippines. What took you over there?

Rachel: I went to the Philippines on charitable business as Global Ambassador to Human Nature organic products. While I was there I also took part in the highly anticipated ‘The Bladed Hand’ - a documentary about the global impact and current state of Eskrima/Kali/Arnis, collectively known to most readers I’m sure as the Filipino Martial Arts. We visited and filmed Bihasang Guro Ignacio Casas of Bahad Zu’Bu at his knife-making workshop in Manila and while there I purchased several knives. The Bladed Hand shows how this native art from the Philippines has had a significant impact on military systems and even on Hollywood. Most are unaware that F.M.A is the Philippine's greatest cultural export.

Johnny: Along with Manny Pacquiao of course! That guy is a phenomenon!

Rachel: How strange you should mention him. I was invited to go and meet Manny at his pre-fight training camp in Baguio which is up in the mountains and just a short flight away from Manila. However, I had to attend an outdoor GK charitable public event with the President of the Philippines.

Johnny: That’s pretty high level to say the least!

Rachel: (Laughs) I know. I was unexpectedly introduced on stage and spoke a few words to a crowd of 20,000. This was just prior to the President ascending the stage himself to address the entire nation. The whole event was live on T.V and I must say it probably was one of the craziest moments of my life. I am still hoping I will get to meet Manny some other time.

Johnny: I’m sure it will happen one day. Don’t forget to call me because I would love to meet Manny too. (Laughs) What a legend!